evening was just falling 意味

  • ちょうど晩になりかかっていた


        just after falling asleep:    just after falling asleep 寝際 ねぎわ
        just before falling asleep:    眠り込む直前{ちょくぜん}に、入眠前{にゅうみん まえ}に
        when just falling asleep:    ちょうど眠りに陥る時に
        falling:    falling 失脚 しっきゃく 墜落 ついらく
        falling for:    《be ~》~に首ったけだ
        falling in:    崩落{ほうらく}
        falling in on:    《be ~》~の上に崩れ落ちている
        by evening:    夕方までに
        evening:     evening n. 晩, 夕方; 夕べの催しもの; 《文語》 晩年, 衰微期; 《口語》 夕刊. 【動詞+】 Shall we arrange an evening to discuss it over dinner? 夕食をとりながらそれを話し合うような晩を計画しましょうか We crowned our evening out with a late supper.
        evening with:    ~と一緒{いっしょ}の夜
        in the evening:    in the evening 晩に ばんに
        on that evening:    その日の夕方{ゆうがた}に
        this evening:    this evening 今晩 こんばん 今夜 こんや 今夕 こんせき こんゆう 今宵 こよい
        just:     1just adj. 正しい, 公正な. 【+前置詞】 be just in one's dealings 処置が公正である We must deal with the matter in a way which is just to all the people concerned. 関係者一同に公平であるようにその事件を取り扱ねばならない He tri
        just as:    just as 途端に とたんに


  1. "evening up of accounts" 意味
  2. "evening view" 意味
  3. "evening visitor" 意味
  4. "evening was approaching" 意味
  5. "evening was coming on" 意味
  6. "evening was stealing on the town" 意味
  7. "evening wear" 意味
  8. "evening with" 意味
  9. "evening-out of exchange rates" 意味
  10. "evening was approaching" 意味
  11. "evening was coming on" 意味
  12. "evening was stealing on the town" 意味
  13. "evening wear" 意味

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